I want to work for Farm and City Centre in the future
Bachelor of Science Honours in Water and Sanitation Technology
Midlands State University
MSc Veterinary Science Companion Animal Clinical Studies
University of Pretoria / Universiteit van Pretoria
Master of Veterinary Science Small Ruminant Medicine and Production Management
University of Zimbabwe
BSc Honours Crop Improvement and Seed Systems
University of Zimbabwe
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Horticulture
Marondera University Of Agricultural Sciences And Technology
MMedVet Bovine Health and Production (Coursework)
University of Pretoria / Universiteit van Pretoria
Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences Special Honours Degree in Crop Science
Lupane State University
BC540044 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture majoring in Soil Science
University of the Free State
University of Zimbabwe
National Certificate in Horticulture
Bulawayo Polytechnic