Higher Life Foundation
Investing in People for Africa's Prosperity
Joshua Nkomo Scholarship
Matching Courses
Bachelor of Technology Education Honours Degree (BTechEd Hons)
National University of Science and Technology
C & G Level 3 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair (4290-13)
Speciss College Zimbabwe
BSc Honours Industrial Physics
University of Zimbabwe
Certificate in Human Resource Management
Harare Polytechnic
Master of Science In Peace, Leadership And Governance
Zimbabwe Open University
IMM Higher Certificate in Marketing
Speciss College Zimbabwe
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Marketing (BMA)
Gwanda State University
MSc Highway and Transportation Engineering
University of Zimbabwe
MSc Smart Settlement Designs and Amenities
University of Zimbabwe
National Certificate In Plumbing and Drainlaying
Kwekwe Polytechnic