PSMAS Zimbabwe


I want to work for PSMAS Zimbabwe in the future


Work very hard at your primary and secondary schools. Every subject matters. However, excelling in the following subjects is likely to boost your chances of working for PSMAS Zimbabwe


Primary and Secondary Education


Primary and Secondary Education

Mathematics and Science

Primary and Secondary Education


Primary and Secondary Education


Primary and Secondary Education


Primary and Secondary Education


Primary and Secondary Education

Combined Science

Primary and Secondary Education

Business Enterprise skills

Primary and Secondary Education

Food Technology

Primary and Secondary Education


Almost every course matters to PSMAS Zimbabwe. However, listed below are some of the courses that are likely to boost your chances of working for PSMAS Zimbabwe

Community Nursing

Parirenyatwa Post Basic School

Registered General Nursing (RGN)

Gutu Mission Hospital School of Nursing

Primary Care Nursing (PCN)

Howard Mission Hospital School of Nursing

B.Sc Hons in Clinical Midwifery

Women's University in Africa

MSc Risk Management and Insurance

National University of Science and Technology

Registered General Nursing (RGN)

Karanda Mission School of Nursing

Registered General Nursing (RGN)

Victoria Chitepo General Hospital School of Nursing

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